Monday, April 6, 2020

week 4 work

I hope you are all doing well and managing week 4 of quarantine. if you are behind please try to catch up and complete some work from weeks 1,2 and 3.

Read Carefully: This week was suppose to be your spring break. However; the Governor canceled all spring breaks and mandated distance learning continue.

I am aware that Thursday begins Passover in the Jewish faith and Holy Week in the Christian faith. So I will not not collect any work until Monday April 13th. I am available for any questions you may have but I will not hold any meetings Thursday and Friday as they are religious days.

Week 4 assignments:
I will keep the comment section of the current events open this week so you may finish those.

please choose 4 of the following questions to answer. All answers should be a minimum of 1 page per question response. Please make your responses thoughtful and have evidence to back up your statements. All questions should be typed and emailed. If that is not possible and you need to handwrite it please send a picture.

you can have your response typed in the body of your email 

So total of 4 pages. 1 page per question. if you want to complete more you can for extra credit

1. should education be free for everyone? (be sure to think of the consequences of such a program and how it would be funded)

2. Do you think the current epidemic will change the culture of the US?  How? what will our new normal look like?

3. As a whole, is there justice for everyone? (think about what justice means and how would justice for all apply to our society)

4. Should we have universal healthcare? (what does universal healthcare mean, what does it look like? again think of the financial, the social impact of this decision. think of our current situation and how it would be different, better or worse, if we had universal healthcare)

5. Is censorship on the internet necessary (how would that work? what are the benefits and dangers of internet censorship)

6. Should men receive paternity leave? (this a policy that would give men paid time off when their child is born )

7.should women have to sign up for the draft? ( mandatory military service during a time of war

8. Should a person have the right to choose when they die? 

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Week 5

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